Volkshochschulen sind Werkstätten der Demokratie

Kursleitung für Englischkurse gesucht

We are looking for a teacher specifically for advanced learners oder for a conversation course. Preferably someone who speaks British English as a mother tongue. Ideally someone who has previous teaching experience.

It depends on your interests and experience how the English course will be:
based on a textbook or with varied methods, as an evening course or as a morning course, …

We can also imagine other new courses: English and cooking, English and sports, English and nature, …

We would like to include more English courses in the new programme (starting in September).

Come by during our office hours (mon-thur 5-7 p.m.),
Write us an email: info@vhs-leck.de or call (04662-4539)
Please note that the office is closed during the Easter vacations.